Friday, May 1, 2009


The first post!  Well, here's where I will be posting future releases of Blast to the public where you can play the game, and tell me what you want to have added or changed in the game.  I just released v0.5 on GameCog, a wonderful site for projects, and from here on out I will be posting them both here and on GameCog.  So, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the current storyline, here we go!

You are a dual-personality being that lives in an underground city led by a benevolent leader Purity. Purity is a great politician, and generally a good leader, but there seems to be something about what she does that is... off. You're name is Control, but you also have the ability to change into your other self, Rage. Control can control peoples minds and take over their bodies, but he is fairly weak. Rage is a powerful being that blasts things to pieces with his powerful darkness flames. The problem with Rage is that, well... he isn't terribly subtle, like Control. Anyways, when you were at a young age, Control became angry at another person in his class, and he took over their mind. He made them commit suicide by beating their head against a while until they died. You were discovered nearby the dead body, exhausted, and Purity's secret police took you away and began running tests on you. After turning into Rage and blowing half of the testing facility to pieces, it was decided that you would be forever imprisoned inside a giant metal sphere, one that gave no holes for you to see people that you could control, and with a metal that was resistant to your flames. This was put in the bottom-most layer of a prison, and you were forgotten. Purity continued to reign for several generations, never seeming to age. You stayed in stasis inside your metal prison, losing yourself in your meditation, also not aging. 

For a long time, you sat there, your hatred for Purity festering, until one day, a young guard found your cell, and was confused. He touched the outer layer, never having seen the metal alloy that contained you, and the bottom portion of the sphere opened, having been triggered by the touch. After it opened, the guard peered inside into the darkness, to see a small creature floating inside with no arms and no legs. Control. You open your eyes, and blast him to pieces, free at last! 

You fight your way through the prison, defeating its defenses using your unique powers and blowing the guards away. You eventually escape into the underground city, the giant stalactites and stalagmites reminding you of the home you haven't seen for centuries. From there, you begin your search for Purity. Along the way, you meet Death, who helps you along your way to Purity, as he is also trying to kill her, but has been unable, her power to strong for him to get a hold. You eventually find Purity, who unleashes her guards. You kill them all, and go after her and attempt to take over her mind. Her mind will not give in, for as Death had said, her power was too strong. You attack, but stop abruptly as you see her begin to change. Her gold headband and dress decay and a black robe appears. Her flesh melts away until all that is left is a skull on a black robe. It was Death himself! 

From there, you engage in a large battle, eventually defeating Death. You find out that along the way, the people's love for Purity had been misled, as the city had been slowly degenerating into rubble with Death's leadership. All the same, the people are furious, and you are captured and imprisoned once again. 

Please tell me what you think, and also any holes in the storyline and how they can be fixed! I think the end is a bit bad, with you being recaptured and all, but I don't know how else to end it! Also, I need to find a reason why Death would help you get to Purity, as he knows you're pretty strong and such. Any ideas?

So far, I've only reached the point where you break out of jail for the storyline, but I'm hoping to find some way to fill in the gap between jail-break and reaching Purity, since I really don't have anything there.  Any ideas?


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